April 20, 2010


on 18th april , ohh god i swear i didn't know there was a river parade and fireworks fiesta at my hometown . HAHA what kind of person i am , living in perak but didn't know anything about these kinda things before . btw , actually i was on a date with my CRUSH ( the one that i told in my previous blog *awwww i'm blushh* ) we were on our way heading to our usual port xD but then there was a reaaaaally long jammed cars . we started to wonder why ( he didn't know jgk ! ) we played along with the jammed . HAHA then i knew that there was a fiesta there . hoho i'm sorry tok lan for not knowing about your birthday party xD he parked his car *p/s; sorento okay xD* in resort's parking lot . it was actually a private parking lot but we tricked the guard . hahaha . i'm sorry i don't have the sampan berhias pictures . this fireworks is actually not the real one that i saw . i just googled some fireworks pictures and i got this . just to picture you what i saw :D

well , i did have a really good moment with him ^^ thanx dudeeeee :D

p/s ; now i talks love too much omaiiigawwdd :o

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